Honest hours
3:31 AM
Time slowly drowns me in
minutes and hours as my
mind watches the past
dance with the present and future.
They twirl around one another
In delicate circles, but
I fear their collision. No longer
will I be who I was,
but the past will become who I am,
who I will be. My past
lived on her tiptoes, treading
lightly around those who
did not know she was
living in the dark. My past
was lost in a maze of lefts
And rights with no direction.
So, I worry -
Indeed, silence kills the worrier
like those who marinate
In their troubles.
I realize that it is not easy
to just throw away my
troubles, my insecurities.
So, they just go back
to my thought bubble
and I never
My Love for Language
People say
That language is not alive,
but how is that possible
when words make up every
part of me? Trust me,
I have tried to submit
to action’s power,
a tangible force. But,
my soul belongs to another.
In my head, letters
merge into words that illustrate
the feelings of my heart.
I crave language more
than human contact. Words
even emerge in the silence
in which I soak my feet.
Don’t you understand?
I am the puppet,
language pulls my strings.
I just hope
these ties never get
Advice From Mama
We have yet to meet,
but I love you.
Even after your arrival,
you will still be precious cargo
I pledge to protect.
Please be everything
that I am not. I want
you to be everything
that I am not. Mama
has made mistakes
but I hope it helps me
teach you. A part of me
wants you to be oblivious
to the world -
to believe you can fly,
believe you can live on
clouds, believe that happiness
can live in your back pocket.
But, letting this happen
would be a disservice to you.
Baby, the world is not
your friend. Love
does not live everywhere. And
I need you to know that
not knowing is dangerous.
Sadly, I’ve learned that
the hard way and
you’ll do the same.
But, just know:
you can stray away from home,
but the porch light will always
be on for you.
Sincerely, He Broke Her - A prose poem
My sister cried over a man who knew not of unconditional love. He was a painter with skilled hands and treated her like a blemished canvas that he needed to fix. It was never him. The mirror showed his face, never his soul. But, he knew what was there - the problems he refused to face. So, he made whiting out his problems a specialty and manipulation his life’s purpose. He thought he had an audience, but she was the only one watching the show. She knew “Mr. Perfect” was only a child playing pretend, yet her love kept her glued to his side. Her love served as the foundation of their relationship. Her love carried his dead weight. Despite all the bad, her love brought them a son. Her love even brought her a desire for a partnership that would rest on her ring finger; but, they weren’t holding two ends of the same rope. My sister became tired of being the sacrificial lamb, so she left as he pleaded for her hand. To him, she was a dog and he dangled a bone he thought she’d take. But, that was his mistake. At that moment, she understood that there was nothing left to give. Truly leaving was an act of strength, but she was broken.
Our Identity
Remember, we are all seeds waiting for the rain.
If someone tells you otherwise, they lie.
Identity is something you slowly attain.
We come from the womb with underdeveloped brains,
Which restlessly wait for the knowledge to be supplied.
Remember, we are all seeds waiting for the rain.
We bathed in our learning, believed in what we gained,
but was the information given falsified?
Identity is something you slowly attain.
Our job is to scavenge for ourselves, to obtain
truth. Wisdom comes from experience used as a guide.
Remember, we are all seeds waiting for the rain.
In life, we constantly learn from mistakes, we retain
those lessons and our purpose will become amplified;
but, identity is something you slowly attain.
Truly, some days will be filled with stress and pain.
So, if you become discouraged, this will apply:
Remember, we are all seeds waiting for the rain.
Identity is something you slowly attain.
The Mask
In the morning, I powder
my face with happiness
and apply positivity
to my lips. True emotions
are locked in a vault, and
I am ready for the day.
No one cares to really
know me. No one
cares to know about
the festering holes in my
Don’t you dare
say anything
unless someone asks,
I remind myself
every morning. Every evening,
I come home with no inquiries.
Truly, I find peace
in the rustle of trees
and the stars that
pepper the sky at night.
Truth lived in the light,
but found solace in the dark
after the death of authenticity.
Nights bring relief,
emotions without guilt.
I value that time
because for a moment
I’m not wearing a mask.